Who We Are


Children's Programs

Adult Programs





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©1996-2003 Nature Rainbow.
All rights reserved.
Click here for Memorial Information for Sunday, May 23, 2004

Formerly Nature & Nurture
We bring nature programs to the Greater Boston Area!
Email: info@naturerainbow.com

Nature, Primitive Survival, and Environmental Awareness Programs
Have you been looking for a nature-related event for your organization, yourself, or your child? You've come to the right place. We offer a wide variety of programs: live animal programs, geology, Native American, Under the Sea, and others. We offer high quality programs at a good value. Our programs are fun, educational, and travel to you. Because the material is fascinating, and because of our good rapport with our audiences, we are highly sought after.

Our web site tells you what we do. But it also provides links to related material on the links page. The more educated our audience, the more we can, together, improve the natural world.

Programs you need!
Our programs complement many science and history themes(see Children's Programs). Organizations that have found us invaluable include: libraries, schools, youth groups, child-care centers, businesses, motivated individuals, and parents. Popular occasions include birthday parties, business promotions, holidays, Halloween, Earth Day, solstices, and fairs. You can expect a skilled nature professional who will keep the audience's attention. The naturalist will provide a variety of activities, animals, crafts, and materials as needed. Most programs last one hour. However, most of the topics contain enough content to be modified as a series.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the website, and we look forward to working with you!

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